Producing KRPanos
Copy a script for auto-creating the panoramas from another dir. It takes care of adding the right compass, and creating 2 versions for the panoramas: for iPad and the kiosk
- Track hours
- (Panorama) If multiple floors - change file names to be 01, 03, etc.
- (720) Name should be raw.jpg
- (Panorama) Fix horizon
Fix horizon by measuring the hight in pixels to the horizon, and adding height:
convert 02a.jpg -gravity south -background white -extent x$((2532*2)) 02.jpg; open 02.jpg
- (720) Fix proportions. Height should be 0.5 of width:
identify -format "Original width: %[fx:w]; Original height: %[fx:h]; Height should be: %[fx:w/2]\n" raw.jpg `identify -format "export IMAGE_WIDTH=%[fx:w]" raw.jpg` `identify -format "export IMAGE_HEIGHT=%[fx:w/2]" raw.jpg` convert original.jpg -gravity south -extent ${IMAGE_WIDTH}x${IMAGE_HEIGHT} raw.jpg convert original.jpg -gravity south -extent 27648x13824 raw.jpg
- Fix an existing script
* pic_x, pic_y * pic_path
- Verify compass is right, directions appear in the sky
- Floors script prepares 2 versions - tour and standalone
- Add lens flare coordinates if appropriate
- Find north
- Align north - fix headings in the script
- Fix top in tour and standalone floors
- Send the results: aws s3 cp --acl public-read Floors${ProjectName}.zip s3://anobi/ # Or
- Hotspots should be in a document like this:
- Download them to a file called hotspots.tsv in the directory
- ./rspots should generate the hotspot images.
- Place the hotspot pins using tour_editor.html
- Copy from the tour.xml generated by tour_editor.html - the part of the hotspots.
- Verify the hotspots work... Some changes may be beeded to the hotspots xml part...