Image magic manipulations

From Eitan Burcat
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(fish shell format) PDF to jpg somewhat preserving color, and high res.

 for file in *
   convert -colorspace RGB -density 150 $file -verbose -quality 100 ../Plans2/(basename -s .pdf $file).jpg

(fish shell format)

 cd Originals; mkdir ../Converted
 for file *
   convert $file -gravity south -extent x85% -background black -resize 1669x962 -gravity center -extent 1669x962 ../Converted/$file
   imgcat ../Converted/$file

Turn a vertical image into horizontal orientation, by bluring the center and using it as a background.

 mkdir Small Blur Result
 convert $i -resize 1669x -gravity center -extent 1669x962 -blur 0x30 Blur/$i
 convert $i -resize 1669x962 Small/$i
 composite -gravity center Small/$i Blur/$i Result/$i